Glitter Text


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Knowing Love

I think love is full of sacrifices that we make for each other. Love is an unconditional thing that we feel within our souls. It comes from within. Love come from somewhere deep. It is like air . It is like the sun in our days. Without words to describe love, our mouths and tongues would not function very well, but our hearts could sing a thousands of love songs only to describe what real love is. I may be young in my 18s to talk about love, but I witness the greatest evidences of all the great loves in the world. I saw a husband and a wife are still happy together even after long years. I saw some long-term relationships could really work. So there is hope for everybody. There is always someone who is searching for that special person. It is true!

I believe in love. I write things that called love. Everything around me has to do with love. Love is in a poem, in a voice of soft murmurs.

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